Vote for Equality Florida

New Blue Cross social media campaign rewards nonprofit agencies that net most votes |

This month, Equality Florida has an opportunity to receive $3,000 in the BlueCross BlueShield of Florida's "The Pursuit" competition and it only takes a moment of your time.

Will you help?

With just a few clicks, you can cast your vote for Equality Florida each day for the month of June. (The first vote takes a couple extra clicks.)

Let's get started:

Step 1 - Click on the following link or cut and past the link into your browser: .
Step 2 - (You only need to do this step the first time voting.) Click the "Like" button at the top of the page.
Step 3 - (You only need to do this step the first time voting.) Click the "Allow" button and the permission page.
Step 4 - Click the "√ Pursuit" navigation button in the left column.
Step 5 - Click on the green bar that the top of the next page. It reads "Vote for Your Favorite Organization."
Last Step - Click on the "Vote" button next to Equality Florida. You'll be able to see the current competition results after your vote.

Each day for the rest of June, you can come back to and vote again by repeating steps 4,5, and 6 in just a few seconds.

Thanks for voting for Equality!