We Did It!

Three weeks ago, we set an aggressive goal of raising $72,000 for our 2011 Equal-a-thon. Because of your generous support and a huge response in just the last 24 hours, we blew past our goal and raised $81,834!

Everything we do at Equality Florida, every student we defend against bullying, every law we pass, every voter we educate - every thing is possible because of your support.

Today, hundreds of children are being adopted by loving lesbian and gay parents in Florida. Nearly seven million Floridians live in a community where we have won domestic partner benefits, and 66% of our students are protected from anti-gay bullying. Over 10 million Floridians are protected from discrimination based on sexual orientation and six million have gender identity protections as well.

We couldn't have come this far without you. And because of your tremendous support for our Equal-a-thon, we will keep winning.

Thank you,

Your Equality Florida Family