Equality Captain Program
Have you ever wanted to be a leader in your community? Do you want to host events and help invest deeper in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights in Florida? Well - Equality Florida’s Equality Captain program is for you! From hosting events, to providing support to volunteers at events, our Equality Captains are integral in the work we do. With the help of your Community Organizer, our Equality Captains are provided with resources, tools, and support to be leaders in their communities. The program is broken down into 4 roles to help guide our Captains in the things they want to be doing as leaders.

The role of our Action Equality Captain is to help lead EQFL in our advocacy programs within the community. As an Action Captain, we trust you to make and hold relationships with leaders in your community, to show up for us AS Equality Florida at local Community events, host events, or lead us at events in the community, amongst other exciting opportunities!

The role of our Engagement Equality Captain is to help engage our base of Queer and Allied volunteers! Through hosting Monthly Volunteer Meetings, one-on-one engagement, connecting and talking with volunteers during events, and helping to lead our phone bank opportunities, you will help build trust and strengthen our relationships with our beautiful community of volunteers!

Conduct and Efficiency
The role of our Conduct & Efficiency Equality Captain is to ensure that as we bring new programs and items to work on, they will be Helpful Critics in bringing us back to reality, and ensuring we are meeting our communities where they are at. Conduct and Efficiency captains will also help with assistance in administrative logistics for events!

Care Bear
The role of our Care Bear Equality Captain will be to ensure that we are always finding moments to bring fun to our work, or give back to our volunteers. These captains will be there to support and provide comfort to volunteers who need it during events, especially during tough or traumatizing moments.