All New Equality Florida Website Launches Today!

After months of preparation, our dramatically redesigned website is now live and offers up-to-date information on all of Equality Florida's issues and events. We hope you'll make your #1 resource for LGBT equality in Florida.
We designed our new site with you in mind!
Get informed and be inspired by exciting new interactive content including videos, publications, and resource kits. Then, visit often to stay involved in our latest efforts to secure full equality for Florida's LGBT community.
But rather than us telling you about how great our new site is, take a few moments to explore and see for yourself.
Once you've had a look around, let us know what you think. Like what you see? Have a suggestion of something we should add? Great! Join the conversation by leaving a comment here.
P.S. - Special thanks goes out to our web developer (and former Field Director) Vonn New!!